Water Memory Due to Chains of Nano-Pearls

Water Memory Due to Chains of Nano-Pearls

Biologically active molecules create substitutes in liquid water by forming single-domain ferroelectric crystallites. These nanoparticles are spherical and constitute growing chains. The dipoles are aligned, but can be set in oscillation at the frequency of vibration of the charged part of active molecules. They are then automatically trimmed and become information carriers. Moreover, they produce an oscillating electric field, causing autocatalytic multiplication of identical chains in the course of successive dilutions. Active molecules are thus only required to initiate this process. Normally, they excite their specific receptors by resonance, but trimmed chains have the same effect. This theory is confirmed by many measurements.

Auguste Meessen

Journal of Modern Physics, 2018, 9, 2657-2724
ISSN Online: 2153-120X
ISSN Print: 2153-1196

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