The Affect of the Great Pyramid on the Human Aura and the Chakra System

The Affect of the Great Pyramid on the Human Aura and the Chakra System

Mystics have speculated that the Great Pyramid in Egypt was used to influence consciousness in ancient initiates. Scientific research on how the Great Pyramid influences human consciousness has been limited due to a scarcity of sensitive measurement instruments and difficulty in obtaining government permits to conduct studies on the Giza Plateau. This study assesses the affect of the Great Pyramid on the human energy field and the chakra system. Thirty-nine subjects from 8 countries participated in the study conducted in Cairo, Egypt. To what extent does going inside the Great Pyramid affect the human aura and is this affect maintained? To what extent does going inside the Great Pyramid affect the chakra system and is this affect maintained? To what extent does the Energetic Frequency compare between inside the Great Pyramid and outside the pyramid? The research was quantitative and used a pre-test-posttest experimental design. Data on the overall area of the subjects’ Energy Field, the alignment of chakras, and the Energetic Frequencies inside and outside the Great Pyramid were collected using a Gaseous Discharge Visualization Electro-photonic Imaging (GDV/EPI) device. Analysis of Variance, comparison of means, and correlations between variables were calculated using SPSS software. Strong significant correlations were found
between mean scores for Energy Fields and individual chakras suggesting that the Great Pyramid positively influences the human body. Future studies will be conducted with larger sample size to further understand patterns of entrainment among the chakra.
Keywords:Great Pyramid, human aura, chakras, consciousness, GDV/EPI, Korotkov, synesthesia, Egypt, initiation, energy field, energetic frequency

Carmen Boulter, PhD

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